Start your next project faster with less setup

We have create a couple of way to start you next Luna project faster.

Laravel Luna Ui For Laravel 6

The package is simulair to the laravel/ui package with the exception of that it only uses Luna-sass and Vuejs and exclude Bootstrap and React.


  1. Install Laravel 6 project as normal.
  2. cd into project
  3. Run composer require designbycode/lunaui
  4. Now run php artisan ui
  5. Then run yarn or npm install

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Laravel-Luna-preset for Laravel 5.8

For laravel 5.8 lovers out there where have created a Luna preset package that will setup your sass, javascript and laravel-mix configuration. This package will also override the view and auth files using so artisan commands.


  1. Install Laravel project as normal.
  2. cd into project
  3. Run composer require designbycode/laravel-luna-presets
  4. Now run php artisan preset luna
  5. Then run yarn or npm install
Setup _settings.sass file
This will now have copied all the necessary files for you.
Artisan commands
Artisan command will create the auth views

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