Make sure to add jquery to the footer of your document or include it to the top of your project if using a build system. Simple add the following code to your project.
<script src="{path_to_js}/luna.js"></script>
This plugin has a few setting that you can change
nav: {
mobileMenu: 900, // The media breakpoint
speed: 200 // The animation speed
notify: {
speed: 200 // The notity animation speed
speed: 1000, // The scroll speed
stopAt: 0, // The offset from top to stop
showAt: 500 // The offset the page have to scoll to show button
easing: "swing", // Easing require easing plugin
callback: null // callback: function(){ }
skewScroll: {
force: 0.25, //Scroll force - keep under 1
maxSkew: 8 // Max scroll degrees
accordian: {
speed: 300, // The animation speed
easing: "swing", // Easing require easing plugin
callback: null // callback: function(){ }