Clearfix Helper

Add a clearfix helper to any element to add a clear fix to it.

//-- for sass
//-- for scss
  @include clearfix;

Border Radius

The border radius helper will help you by short handing the class and also give you default radius that is predefined in the _settings.sass file.

//-- for sass
//-- for sass
    @include radius;
    @include radius(10px);

Media Breakpoints

Luna has loads of media helpers for creating breakpoints.

  • +media-up($size)
  • +media-down($size)
  • +media-between($size1, $size2)
  • +media-custom($direction, $value)

Predefined queries.

  • +is--mobile
  • +is--tablet
  • +is--desktop
//-- for sass
    background: red
       background: blue